Submission Guidelines
ISSN 2047-8747 (Print) ISSN 2047-8755 (Online) Volume 14/1 IJEBL 2025

Books for review should be sent to Dr. Kenneth S Friedman, Regis University, 26 Willow Lane, Black Hawk, Colorado, USA

Subscription rates per volume includes online, a complimentary printed copy for the 4 regular issues which must be ordered when the basic online subscription is made which is postpaid £160 / US $250.
Special introductory rates for individuals who warrant that the journal is for their own use, have no access to company or institutional funds, and order directly from the publisher, postpaid: £70/US$110.

Rates and publication dates are subject to adjustments without notice.
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Subscriptions requests should be sent to
© 2025 CJEAS Ltd

Interdisciplinary Journal of Economics and Business Law

Notes for Contributors

The official language of the journal is English. Papers should be sent by e-mail to the Editor, Professor Ruth Taplin; Email:, along with an abstract of no more words than 200 if possible.

Authors should aim to make their papers understandable to those in other disciplines and wherever possible, purely mathematical/statistical arguments, when they cannot be avoided, should be banished or put into an appropriate appendix. The length of journal articles must not exceed 30 A5 pages (papers must be submitted in A5 size) including the references and submitted to IJEBL in black and white so any illustrations should be in shades of grey. Book reviews should be between 1000 and 1500 words. Material will be accepted for review on the understanding that it has not been submitted for publication elsewhere and the author’s copyright will be transferred to the publisher in the event of publication. Please see the copyright agreement that must be agreed to by all authors on the website

The pages should be of uniform size (A5 size) and numbered consecutively. Single spacing should be used for abstracts, references and footnotes. The manuscripts should not contain more than a few minor corrections. It is the responsibility of the author(s) to obtain any permission necessary to reproduce figures or tables or quote from published work(s); suitable attribution should always be made. Unpublished manuscripts or letters are also protected.

Titles and Sub Titles should be typed on a separate line without indentation in capitals and lower case. They should not be underlined. Long titles and superfluous capitals should be avoided. Any instructions to the copy editor or printer should be highlighted in red.

The following order should normally be used: First page: title, author(s) name(s), in this order should be above the abstract; present email address(es) of author(s), and affiliations should be footnoted starting from number one at the bottom of the first page. Corresponding authors should be indicated. Keywords should be placed under the Abstract.

References should be kept within the main body of the text (e.g. author 2025) and full references with pages and bibliographies at the end of the article in alphabetical order. Figures and tables should be prepared in a jpeg format and additionally sent as a separate electronic file to the article. Each figure should have a caption. Footnotes should be only used if it is impossible to incorporate the information in the main body of the text. If used they should be identified by subscript numerals and kept short and at a minimum. An exact page reference should be given in the text for verbatim quotations. Multiple entries by an author or set of authors in the same year should be post scripted a, b, c, (e.g. 2025a, 2025b, 2025c) etc. The list of references should follow the customary conventions.

Proofs will be sent to the authors for correction and should be returned within the requested time by e-mail. Author’s alterations in excess of 10% of the typesetting cost will be charged. The Editor reserves the right to publish a paper without the author’s own corrections in cases of undue delay in returning proofs.

Papers submitted to Interdisciplinary Journal of Economics and Business Law are refereed.

The journal is covered in the following indexing and abstracting services: American Econ. Lit., International Bibliography of Social Sciences (Pro-Quest), Cabell's Directory, listed in Heterodox Economics Directory 16th Edition 2025 and included in the Guide to Academic Journal Quality (formerly ABS Guide), SSRN and Australian Business Deans Council Journal Quality List and in many other countries' lists under scientific journals.

All rights reserved; no part of this publication may be translated reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by other means without the prior written permission of the publisher, or a licence for restricted copying from the Copyright Licensing Agency Ltd, UK, or the Copyright Clearance Center, USA.