The rationale of IJEBL is to provide a broad independent international forum for expanding the boundaries of economics and business law seeking solutions to global problems enabling academics and practicing economists, business people and legal practitioners to tackle the problems within this environment and context.
We invite both academics and practitioners to contribute to assist in expanding the boundaries of the social sciences which have not as yet come to terms with the profound change in the boundaries of disciplines, especially since the advent of nanotechnology. Prior to this technological development that is based on interdisciplinary research, those of us who supported the interdisciplinary approach were even greater pioneers. The importance of intangible assets in the form of intellectual property is increasing as is the need to understand valuation of these assets so that the true market value of brand, image, copyright and so forth can be understood. Changes in both corporate and company law is crucial for both large companies and SMEs to be successful. This is why we need to include business law which is one of the most rapidly expanding interdisciplinary disciplines.
The aim of the IJEBL is to not only provide a forum for solving global economic and business problems but to expose readers to the exciting new developments and thinking that the interdisciplinary approach continues to offer as an alternative to a narrow and rigid econometric approach. We also wish to provide readers with a taste of the books available on the market that can further such understanding through reviews of cutting edge books that contribute to an interdisciplinary approach in each issue. Articles, comments, short papers, letters and book reviews are all welcome.
Those who contribute to IJEBL continue to spurn seeing the
world through numbers, compartmentalised disciplines and conformity, making a contribution to creative and challenging solutions to the current ills of the world economy with positive ideas and criticisms that can be implemented on a practical level and ethically. We are interested in innovation, entrepreneurship, solutions within the rule of law, the environment, the health of the planet/wildlife and cultural specificities. We have a global based support network of readers, contributors and
subscribers and would like you to join us. This is Volume 14, Issue 1 IJEBL 2025 of our fourteenth volume.
It is published January to January although subscriptions can start from October to January each year.
An Abstracts page to give a broad sample of contents has been added online and updated for Volume 14. Many thanks to all those who support our open, independent, interdisciplinary forum into our fourteenth year of existence.
IJEBL is published both online and as printed (complimentary) copy quarterly. Additionally, a fifth online issue has been added gratis that focuses on postgraduate papers to afford young contributors to publish for the first time in an international journal. Other extra gratis IJEBL special issues are being prepared too.
Please see for guidelines for contributions and subscriptions which we rely on to exist.
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